Cutting Stone for the Chapter House

Did you know that the monks themselves cut and shape every single stone that makes up the monastery buildings?

This traditional approach, a monastery being built by its own monks, is alive and well here in this little corner of Wyoming. Over the past year, monks have been diligently working to complete the 4000 or so stones that will make up the exterior of the monastery’s Chapter House. Using a variety of modern equipment, from cnc milling machines, to hammer and chisel, the monks carefully shape each stone, producing everything from a simple block to an intricate statue or flower.

All of this not only significantly reduces the cost of the monastery construction, but most importantly, it is one of the ways in which the monk gives glory to God and saves souls, offering the work of his hands to the almighty Father in a sacrifice of love and praise. You can learn all about this work of the Monks here.

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